linPEAS analysis

- Summary: An explanation with examples of the linPEAS output.

- Tags: LinPEAS

linPEAS logo

Use this post as a guide of the information linPEAS presents when executed.

(As the information linPEAS can generate can be quite large, I will complete this post as I find examples that take advantage of the information linPEAS generates.)

========== Basic information ==========

linPEAS basic information

Provides information about:

========== System information ==========

Provides information about:

========== Container ==========

Provides information about whether we are inside a container or not.

========== Cloud ==========

Provides information about whether we are inside a cloud platform or not.

========== Processes, Crons, Timers, Services and Sockets ==========

Provides information about:

========== Network information ==========

Provides information about:

========== Users information ==========

Provides information about:

========== Software information ==========

Provides information about:

========== Interesting files ==========

Provides information about:

========== API Keys Regex ==========

Provides information about API keys.